Square Dancing

“Way far away, a long time ago, the old folks danced the do-si-do…”
It’s fun, easy, and something everybody can learn quickly and enjoy. Square & contra dances are a traditional community recreation that bring people together in a simple activity open to everyone. All dances are briefly taught, then led by the caller to the music of a live stringband. This dancing is community oriented, so beginners are able to participate with a minimum of basic instructions, no special clothing required. If you’ve never done it before and want to experience this type of event firsthand, there are community dances in Pittsburgh open to the public year round. If you want to come when one of our bands are performing, visit our listing of upcoming events. Bringing a partner is helpful but not necessary, as dancers will change partners throughout the evening.
(This type of dancing is not to be confused with Western Square dancing, which you may have seen performed at county fairs. The women wear hoop skirts and the men cowboy hats, and they perform rehearsed figures.)

Please contact for pricing information.